Okay, including fantasies in writing is gold. I will become a fantasy writer!
Also, being a guest on David Perell's podcast is a great goal. I do feel like he does crack in laughter from time to time... I bet you would make him laugh.
"It was something I thought about more than, I don’t know, twelve times." LOL. Thank you for being aware enough of your fantasies to share them, and for being brave enough. As always, your writing is hilarious. And you taught me something new.
Oh wow I haven't thought much about my own fantasies really. This makes me think about the difference between a dream and some outlandish fantasy. maybe they are more similar than different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And so true, once I type out something from my noggin than I have to admit that what I was thinking was real and admit to whatever feelings pop up from it.
Could there be anything more universally shared than the desire to be somebody? I think maybe not. Except for me, of course. I’m very grateful that I’m not in any way desperate for praise, acknowledgement and validation. my compulsion to make people laugh arises purely out of my love for humanity and is in no way connected to an attempt to justify my existence. I love my obscurity. And I know that’s the real reason you haven’t mentioned me yet in any of your newsletters. Because you know how much I love my invisibility. Thank you.
Okay, including fantasies in writing is gold. I will become a fantasy writer!
Also, being a guest on David Perell's podcast is a great goal. I do feel like he does crack in laughter from time to time... I bet you would make him laugh.
Haha yes, Istiaq! I bet the first time you write one of your fantasies you'll be smiling as you do. It's fun!
And you're right, I could totally make David Perell laugh. ;)
"It was something I thought about more than, I don’t know, twelve times." LOL. Thank you for being aware enough of your fantasies to share them, and for being brave enough. As always, your writing is hilarious. And you taught me something new.
Thank you, Brenda! I hope this spurs all the fantasies being shared. They will be so much fun to read.
Oh wow I haven't thought much about my own fantasies really. This makes me think about the difference between a dream and some outlandish fantasy. maybe they are more similar than different ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And so true, once I type out something from my noggin than I have to admit that what I was thinking was real and admit to whatever feelings pop up from it.
Maybe they are more similar than different! Absolutely.
You are the funniest person to me. Gold Star ⭐
Yessssss thank you, Elizabeth!
And please, add a Harry Potter throughline to your memoir. We need more magic ✨
Ahhh yes! I needed to hear this from at least one person haha.
Could there be anything more universally shared than the desire to be somebody? I think maybe not. Except for me, of course. I’m very grateful that I’m not in any way desperate for praise, acknowledgement and validation. my compulsion to make people laugh arises purely out of my love for humanity and is in no way connected to an attempt to justify my existence. I love my obscurity. And I know that’s the real reason you haven’t mentioned me yet in any of your newsletters. Because you know how much I love my invisibility. Thank you.
Hahaha. Of course, Rick.
This funny fantasy is going to come true
Haha yes!!
so good
Thanks, Zoe!
Charlie I love your writing!!
Ah, thank you, Sandy! :)