I love this piece. Forty is when you realize that you're making it up as you go along. You get to decide, as you clearly explore. Here's what I've learned from a few decades further along: Living in your body over time, you grow more aware of cellular sensation. Stress and strain that used to repair itself with a good night's sleep takes a bit longer and you feel it a bit more. When you notice those aches and pains, think: "It's fixing itself." Sure, do the physical therapy and everything else, and know that your cooperative, collaborative cellular life is also making it up as it goes along, fixing itself.

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“I have two beautiful, perfect kids who are at ages where they play together and hold hands and make up games on their own like Airplane and Bedtime and I watch from afar as they waddle and discover and maybe this is everything there is.”

Precious. Such great ages!

We went through something similar after our twins and they ended up being the first two, and the final two. And it was perfect. Why? Because that’s how it turned out.

While we other intentions for a while, we let go of the outcome, for it wasn’t completely up to us.


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There’s a lot here, Charlie. ♥️ my words are cluttered this morning, so instead I’ll say: take care of that knee. We have future tennis adventures in our future.

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“Their chunky cheeks”. I love my kiddos chunky cheeks 😍😍

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