Jan 23Liked by Charlie Bleecker

"Just get the ball over the net." So very encouraging Charlie. Thanks for this. And also, I have a question. "If you make an admission of something unflattering about yourself and then include a disclaimer, you water down the thing you just said and it makes you unlikeable." Can you elaborate on what you mean by a "disclaimer"?

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What an inspiration! I have so much to learn from this - like a spectator watching from the other side of the chain link fence at the tennis court holding my dog on a leash, watching you get the ball over the net - time and again.

And this was so shiny: "The act of writing them becomes its own vehicle for time travel."

Here's to 1,000 more!

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Feb 3Liked by Charlie Bleecker

I love that “Just get the ball over the net” approach — making it a layup! This got me thinking about a thing I read on George Saunders. When he got into an MFA program, he told his mentor, another writer, Tobias Wolff, he was doing more realistic, direct from life, “real writing.” Wolff told him: “Just don’t lose the magic.”

Then, Saunders goes on to say, “I have no idea what he’s talking about. Why would I do that? That would be dumb. I go forward and lose all of the magic, for the rest of my time in grad school and for several years thereafter…Somehow, under the pressure of suddenly being surrounded by good writers, I went timid and all the energy disappeared from my work–I’ve lost the magic indeed, have somehow become a plodding, timid, bad realist.”

On it being “selfish, fun, and easy” — I think the fun part is key. I’m a believer in play with writing/creativity. I think that’s how you keep the magic. And I feel like that’s kind of what you’ve done with the memoir explorations and learnings you’ve incorporated into your writing. So, I think in you getting the ball over the net, you hopefully won’t lose the magic. But that also doesn’t mean you can’t and won't change your mind about how you want to approach it at any point with the next 200 issues, or however many you decide you want to write! Keep going, just don't lose the magic :)

& Happy belated congrats!!!? But also?? Side note: am I crazy?? There’s an Issue 190 for Nov. 7 and an Issue 190 for Nov. 14 — is this issue 201?? lol

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie Bleecker

Did you read my journal and then write this to get me out of my funk? Thank you for this one, Charlie. Copied down a lot of these sentiments as I read them. Also did you know I played college tennis, so I especially loved it. Thank you thank you.

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Ahhh congrats on 200 issues 🥳! An apt metaphor for writing online.

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So you know how I said I was going to hang a sticky note on my laptop that that “I hate poorly written endings” on it?

Well, I’ll surely be adding a “just get the ball over the net” one right next to it.

Love it Charlie, excited to listen to the pod

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Wahoo Charlie, this was such a refreshing piece to read! I love the metaphor of writing alongside tennis. Cheers to lowering the stakes and becoming more accepting of what is good enough to share. Your courage continually inspires me :-)

Keep it up!! I am cheering you on

<3 Jen

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Jan 25Liked by Charlie Bleecker

I was hoping this was about Pickleball...lol. Great concept as I feel like I just "get the ball over the net" in many aspect of my like...marriage, parenting, work...even friendship. Keep up the great work. Your Transparent Tuesdays are very relatable and I look forward to them.

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Jan 25Liked by Charlie Bleecker

It’s good you stick to where you really belong and just make the tennis thing a stick in the edge whenever you feel like exercising.

This inspires me to stay where one really fits in.True talk!👍

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Congrats Charlie :) I’m always inspired by your writing and looking forward to your next 200 posts and memoir!

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Jan 24Liked by Charlie Bleecker

Woah big congrats on 200!! Here's to more balls over the net.

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Jan 24Liked by Charlie Bleecker

"Release the things that feel heavy and shameful, and travel back in time."

I've found zero consequences to doing this. It's nice to read your authentic pieces. Congrats on 200!

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie Bleecker

Love this, love that you’ve made 200 posts, and love the podcast episodes (I wish you did them more frequently! However, I understand life with kiddos and such doesn’t always allow for it). You’re def in my top three favorite writers on here, and I thoroughly look forward to your posts every week!

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Jan 23Liked by Charlie Bleecker

Congrats of 200 editions of getting the ball over the net, Charlie! Your consistency is exemplary and one of the many ways you inspire me. You make it look easy, even when it isn't!

Here is to however many more editions you want!

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200! Total 🏆 I'm inspired to get my shitty post out and over the net.

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